Monday, 7 January 2013

Research front cover and contents page

This front cover has an extreme close up photograph sugggesting an article inside could be up close an personal .The masthead spread along the top of the cover following a centered headline .The front cover only feaures three headlines which are very suttle with lighter shade of grey than the background.The barcode which is commonly found in the bottom corners is 3/4 of the way up the right side this probably avoiding any interference with the photo .

The first contents page I’ve chosen is my favourite due to its simplicity everything is clear and easy to find this is  key as you don’t want the audience to lose interest if too busy .

The contents page only has one image on it I think this allows the clean look to remain consistent and not cluttered the image is also used as a reminder as the same imaged featured on the front page .
The ‘features’ are centred as they are seen as the most important articles as well as they only come around once and most likely to be of most interest
There is colour scheme grey white and black very uniform colours and gives a sense of simplicity rather than the loud colours used in gossip magazines. It can be said there is a lot of dead space on the contents page but I feel it’s very effective as it doesn’t expose all which could lead a reader to want to flick through the rest of the magazine
The same font runs through the front and contents page the contents page to involves to feature stories and a selection of reviews.

2.   The second front cover very different to the first , the masthead is situated in the left had corner which allows it to be seen on a shop shelf also the choice of the colour red allows the whit "Q" to pop  . The male model is in a full length photo standing in the rain this could suggest reference to the current season  .The main coverline is a rhetorical question bound to grasp attention the other coverlines in two opposing colours another technique used to draw attention .

The contents page compliments the front page still following a simple yet effective black and white theme . On the left the coverstories and page numbers are in bold for readers to easily find articles to the right are featured photo shoots the headlining shoot is the biggest image the follow up from the front cover and the other two overlapping one another which i feel adds creativity to the contents page as it could have been very formal.

3. From the get go you can tell No3 is a fashion magazine the bold yellow ,models and fashion images splashed all over which is key as it can be easy for a magazine to get lost amongst many other magazines it shares shelves with . The masthead plastered along the top just beneath the magazine motto . The front cover is a fold over magazine to enable readers to see the full photo of the models but also see what they have to offer in their "big fashion issue".

The contents page a lot less busy but still evident that its a fashion magazine by having a model to right in the latest trends yellow is also incorporated in the contents not as loud as on the front cover but enough to keep an ongoing colour scheme .

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