Front cover
- Bold masthead in white which could possibly show a special addition as the masthead is usually in red . A well known figure is featured on the front (David Bowie close up) so any rock fan would be somewhat interested this is a technique to draw in a target audience.
- Pull quotes are featured another technique to draw readers in with dramatic words and phrases ie “betrayed” any form of betrayal is interesting and “we want to work with Jedward” with an icon on the front and the words Jedward will stir up a reaction.
- Subheadings are in the same font as the masthead just in a smaller size and to add some subtlety they have used italics.
- The front cover photo is ombre, it might have been used as the original may have been black and white and as they have an audience to maintain and to keep it classy they probably preferred not to animate the photo or over edit it, by adding these colours it made the magazine pop out so simple yet effective at the same time.
- The contents page as a whole is very bold the contents page stuck to a black and white colour scheme and this allows the content to be clear and concise. In the right bottom hand corner is a big red box which breaks the colour scheme this is to draw the reader’s attention suggesting you could get the magazine cheaper which is most likely to interest everyone.
- Pull quotes have been used allowing the audience a snippet , wanting to read more and the large numerals above the quote this method is to make whatever strikes their attention is easy to find.
- Although the subheadings aren’t as loud as but they are still in bold not to be lost amongst the photos and pullquotes.
- Overall the contents page is big bold and straight to the point.
Double page spread
- This double page spread consists of an a4 photo on the right side and on the lefts side article masthead with intro to the article.
- The article title takes up a huge amount of the page to clearly catch attention then a play on words to keep attention instead of ‘merry men’ its “merry pranksters” , any form of prank is bound to be noticed and gain interest.
- This double spread in particular stuck to the say colour scheme that the contents page used (black and white).
- In this double spread the involved a picture taking up the whole page instead of the whole article to draw the audience in and not huge amounts of text to bore the reader.
- The double page is missing page numbers which means the readers have to be relient on the other pages which can be annoying.
Front cover
- The ear is quite clever it simply states “collector’s edition” which shows us they have a wide fan base but lets us know what most of the magazine will entail.
Contents Page
- On the left hand side is a “band index” which list numerous names of bands with a red background
-The masthead on the front cover is repeated on the contents page alongside "this week"this being clear and in bold to announce the magazines content also following the black red and white theme .
-Throughout the middle is I snippet of a feature in the magazine presented with a photo and subheading the photo looks as though its been taken at a gig. Below the subheading reads "SCUM preached to the converted" and that's surely a heading that can't be ignored it sparks all kind of interest to what the article may be about , by having "scum" In capitals makes the audience alarmed and draws them in to paragraph that follows describing an extravagant sermon given by a band consisting of climbing pillars and posing next to the cross.
-Below the small article is a black box advertising the magazine and persuading readers to subscribe using different size font the persuasive info "subscribe today for just "this language suggesting your getting a great deal and the price in the biggest font . The important info in smaller font big enough to see but as its not used to catch the readers eye there is no need for it to be in a big font. The use of white and yellow writing is to allow the writing to pop and the yellow is in complete contrast to the theme so it stands out . Beside the writing but still in the black box they've shown a previous magazine just to highlight what your subscribing to .
-Finally along the far right hand side of the contents is column presenting the reader with headings of news ,radar ,reviews, live and features these all being highlighted in a black rectangle so the content in the magazine is easier to find . Underneath each heading is a list of page numbers in red with subheadings next to them in bold black another technique a change in colour to make articles and content easier to find .
-Double page spread
-The masthead on the front cover is repeated on the contents page alongside "this week"this being clear and in bold to announce the magazines content also following the black red and white theme .
-Throughout the middle is I snippet of a feature in the magazine presented with a photo and subheading the photo looks as though its been taken at a gig. Below the subheading reads "SCUM preached to the converted" and that's surely a heading that can't be ignored it sparks all kind of interest to what the article may be about , by having "scum" In capitals makes the audience alarmed and draws them in to paragraph that follows describing an extravagant sermon given by a band consisting of climbing pillars and posing next to the cross.
-Below the small article is a black box advertising the magazine and persuading readers to subscribe using different size font the persuasive info "subscribe today for just "this language suggesting your getting a great deal and the price in the biggest font . The important info in smaller font big enough to see but as its not used to catch the readers eye there is no need for it to be in a big font. The use of white and yellow writing is to allow the writing to pop and the yellow is in complete contrast to the theme so it stands out . Beside the writing but still in the black box they've shown a previous magazine just to highlight what your subscribing to .
-Finally along the far right hand side of the contents is column presenting the reader with headings of news ,radar ,reviews, live and features these all being highlighted in a black rectangle so the content in the magazine is easier to find . Underneath each heading is a list of page numbers in red with subheadings next to them in bold black another technique a change in colour to make articles and content easier to find .
-Double page spread
- The structure remains the same with the same font but the colour scheme of black ,white and red has been changed to yellow, black and white.
- The page is clearly titled "ALBUMS" and the most rated artists have the bigger fonts and photos this being as they are more of interest so they are made easiest to find .
-The left side is taken up by on interview and review broken up into four columns with a pull quote boxed in the vibrant yellow flickered throughout the page.
- On the right hand side of another interview but not as big as the first broken up into two columns and the rest of the page made up of six reviews .
Front Cover
- Your immediately met with a promotion for a free CD on the left ear in bold white writing on a red background to enable readers to see the give away . Followed by the magazines slogan "FAVOURITE" highlighted to ensure the reader has a good read ahead.
- The masthead is spread across the top of the magazine unlike the first two magazines but this doesn't put the magazine at a disadvantage as the ear is attention grabbing the masthead is made up of two different font and three colours black, white and red .
- This front cover is the busiest of all the content pages promoting there own compelation of classical music in two CD'S , gifts guides and masterclassess and meet and greets all these giveaways must mean they have a loyal and commited fan base as they are happy to offer free goodies.
- The colour scheme is very broad which gives the magazine a messy look overall.
-There is more of a formal format and colour scheme found on the contents page ,white background which makes the contents in red and black font stand out .
- Again the free Cd's promotion is featured along the motom of the page with "Free CDs" in Yellow to catch the readers eye a contrasting colour from the colour scheme .
- The three photos featured are continued from the front page , the first image with a pull quote from the article and the page number in bold so its easy to find where the main article is .
-On this double page spread we are firs met with a photo similar to the one found on the front cover and contenrtts page about a masterclasss .
- They have gone for a purple and white colour scheme steering away from the red and white .
-The articleStard with a huge "Y" in purple capital lette this allows the reader to be aware of the beginning of the article .
- -The use of purple subheadings , more photos and pull quotes is to break up the huge amount of writing and keep the reader intrested .
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