Wednesday 2 January 2013

Plum line analysis 2011

Plum line analysis 2011

1.The key features on the page are cover lines , masthead an ear ,photographs ,logos and statistics.

2.The photograph in the top right hand corner it's been taking from a distance (wide shot ) this is so the audience is able to see the school the magazine is raving about ,rather than a photograph of a classroom which can be boring and found in any other magazine in this case they wanted to show of their new glass design .

The second photo feature in the magazine is a long shot this is to capture the jump that the students are taking in the air as it quite a significant motif for success but still close enough to capture the smiles on their faces .

3. The purpose and effectiveness of the photos used are to break up the article and gives a visual of the environment their providing and the emotions of individuals that meet the statistics.

4.The masthead is very simple but due to the colour scheme very effective due to its colour scheme it's been written in capitals an the white writing against the read background catches the readers eye .

5. The logos signify and give the school the final touch ,stamp of approval ,quality almost like a badge of honour proving an establishing school.

6. The impact the main cover lines have are firstly they are bold,at tracks the readers eye also the use of statistics will be of major interest .It suggest the teaching is top notch and diverse by the mention of heritage classes .

7.The byline by sue Flanagan is a technique used to make it a tad personal shows her appreciation and involvement.

8. The footer includes all relevant contact info this is to get in touch with any enquiries .its positioned along the bottom to allow you to contact the school as soon as your done reading so almost like a process in chronological order.

9. An abstract colour scheme is being used different blocks of colour the purpose ,to separate the different bodies of text .this can allow readers to keep focused so it does not seem too long winded and if they are interested in one particular section it's easy to find.

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